Saturday, October 4, 2008

Surviving the first fussy night.


Krista said...

perhaps I should have kept my mouth shut about the sleeping thing..

Betty BeadBug said...

As much as I have great sympathy for you, and wish I had been there to help so you could sleep, I love this one. I know that look on your face. I have felt it many times myself. :0)

Clay Perry said...

theres no question that you & julie are related...

Clay Perry said...

p.s.- this all way too scary... damnit... when somebody says your name i still picture you as that wee little flower girl walking down our hallway!!

HeartofGoldPlate said...

aw. I got all teary reading that last one. :D I remember thinking it would be hard to get flower petals off the carpet, so I tried my best to only get them on the tile.

Betty BeadBug said...

You do so think like me my can be a blessing and a curse, no? I remember that day too. You both looked so precious. I will be forever grateful that you were able to be there and be part of it.

Junebug said...

welcome to mommyhood and sleepless nights.
You definitley are related to my baby girl.